Documentación Científica sobre Farmacología e Inmunología
Farmacología Biochemical detection and monitoring of alcohol abuse and abstinence Limitation of the Vitros dry-slide…
Farmacología Biochemical detection and monitoring of alcohol abuse and abstinence Limitation of the Vitros dry-slide…
Calidad A Multi-Rule Shewhart Chart for Quality Control in Clinical Chemistry Analytical Performance Characteristics Should…
A New Dimension for the Development of Fluorescence…. ACE inhibitors and appearance of renal events…
A Reliable Endocrine Test with Human Menopausal Gonadotropins for Diagnosis of True Hermaphroditism in Early…
Alternaria infections laboratory diagnosis and relevant clinical features. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Helicobacter pylori determined…
Hematología Dispositivos de coagulometría portátil en el seguimiento y control ambulatorio de la terapia anticoagulante…
25-OH-Vitamin D assay variation and subject management in clinical practice. Apolipoprotein(a) stimulates vascular endothelial cell…
Biological variation of free plasma amino acids in healthy individuals. Biological variation of free plasma…
Formularios Manuales
Guía de memoria OPE Inscripción asociados AEFA La jornada del residente no puede superar las…