- A New Dimension for the Development of Fluorescence….
- ACE inhibitors and appearance of renal events in hypertensive nephrosclerosis
- Advances in prenatal screening for Down syndrome_First trimester testing, integrated testing, and future directions
- Advances in prenatal screening for Down syndrome_General principles and second trimester testing
- Appropriate design of biochemistry request cards can promote the use of protocols and reduce unnecessary investigations
- Assessment of homocysteine as a cardiovascular risk factor in clinical practice
- Automated chemiluminescent immunoassay system_A multicenter evaluation of analytical performance
- Blood gases and other critical care analytes
- Electroforesis capilar
- Emerging homogeneous DNA-based technologies in the Clinical Laboratory
- Evaluation of risk markers for acute myocardial infarction and heart failure
- Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III)
- Genetic testing
- Genetics of cardiovascular disease
- Guideline for the Appropriate Use of FSH, LH, and Prolactin in Women
- Guideline of Maternal and Fetal Health Risk Assessment
- Guidelines for clinical use of the antinuclear antibody test
- Guidelines for immunologic laboratory testing in the rheumatic diseases_anti-DNA antibody tests
- Guidelines for the Use of Serum Tests for Iron Deficiency
- Guidelines for the Use of Serum Tests of Iron Stores
- Guidelines for the Use of Serum Tests to Detect Thyroid Dysfunction
- High-resolution reference ranges for estradiol, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone in men and women using the AxSYM assay system
- Homocisteina plasmática. un factor de riesgo independiente y-o interactivo de la enfermedad arterial coronaria
- Hypertension and coronary heart disease
- Impaired homocysteine metabolism and aterothrombotic disease
- Increased materna plasma fetal DNA concentrations in women who eventually develop preeclampsia
- Information extraction from full text scientific articles_Where are the keywords
- Laboratory guidelines for the molecular diagnosis of Y-chromosomal
- Lead exposure
- Marcadores bioquímicos de remodelado en el estudio de la masa ósea en la mujer con menopausia reciente sin osteoporosis
- Molecular biologist´s guide to proteomics
- Natriuretic peptides in assessment of ventricular dysfunction
- Problems with estimation of urine protein by automated assays
- Pronostico a corto plazo de los pacientes ingresados por probable sindrome coronario agudo sin elevacion del segmento ST
- Proteína S libre en embarazadas. comparación entre dos métodos
- PSA y otros biomarcadores para la detección, diagnóstico y monitorización precoz del cáncer de próstata
- Recomendations on use of biochemical markers in acute coronary syndrome. IFCC proposals
- Recommendations for markers in acute coronary syndromes
- Recommendations for the use of laboratory tests to support poisoned patients who present to the emergency departament
- Relación entre concentración de lipidos plasmáticos y las subclases de HDL
- Relacion entre gravedad de la hipertension arterial esencial y la prevalencia de hiperuricemia
- Reliability of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide assay in diagnosis of heart failure
- Standards and guidelines for CFTR Mutation Testing
- Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes
- The kidney and cardiovascular risk
- The kidney in arterial hypertension
- The renaissance of C reactive protein
- Thyroid function tests_time for a reassessment
- Utilidad clínica de las bandas oligoclonales
- Utilidad clínica de los distintos marcadores biológicos en una unidad de dolor torácico
Documentación Científica sobre Bioquímica